Marine Biologists

We will look at the way different marine animals are designed to be successful in their surroundings and the importance of biodiversity in our oceans. The children will learn that some marine habitats are under threat from a number of human interactions including litter, over fishing and pollution.

Children will receive a Wildside Nature 'Marine Biologist' certificate after taking part in this workshop.


To book, please select any one of the events below in our secure booking tool. Follow the steps through to payment where your place(s) will be secured.

  • use the ‘select more’ button to book multiple sessions
  • there is an option to add up to two children per booking
  • we offer a 5% discount when two siblings are booked onto the same session - please use the code SIBDIS when prompted

There are limited places at each location and we recommend you book early to avoid disappointment.